The Network of Experts for Sustainable Development of Central Asia joins
experts of five states of Central Asia and was created in the framework
of UNDP Project “Aral Sea Basin Capacity Development Project for Central
Asia” in 1999 year for the development of the recommendation in the field
of environment and sustainable development (SD) for the decision-makers.
Making of analytical researches in sustainable development area, assistance
to the development of the National Strategy in the field of Sustainable
Development, promotion of regional cooperation between the scientists in
the solving of SD issues.
Independent expert appraisals
Assistance to information exchange supply between the states and sectors of society
Edition of the newsletters and publication of other documentation
Participation both organization of seminars and conferences on the problems of sustainable development
Development of new technologies for realization of system researches in the field of SD
Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) project «Kazakhstan National Green Growth Plan" (January 2012 - September 2012).
ESCAP project «Opportunities for application and integration of green growth policy tools in strategic planning in Republic of Kazakhstan (November 2009 - July 2010).
ESCAP project “Integration of Green Growth Policy Tools in Decision Making Process for Sustainable Development in the SPECA Countries” (August 2007 - December 2007).
UNEP Project “Preparation of Action Plan for 2007-2009 on the implementation of transition of the Republic of Kazakhstan to sustainable development for 2007 – 2024” (January 2007 – March 2007). In the framework of Project were preparation of publication “Action Plan for 2007 - 2009 on the implementation of transition of the Republic of Kazakhstan to sustainable development for 2007 – 2024”, in Kazakh, Russian and English
UNEP Project “Support of Preparation of Sustainable Development Strategy in Kazakhstan” (July, 2006 – January 2007). In the framework of Project were carrying out: 1) Preparation of publication “Priorities of the Conception of Transition of the Republic of Kazakhstan to sustainable development”, in Russian and English. 2) Preparation of film “SD process in the Republic of Kazakhstan”, in Kazakh, Russian and English.
Publication of international training materials “Mechanism of perfection of waste management: economic and law aspects”. CD on Russian.
UNDP Project “Improvement of waste management system in the Republic of Kazakhstan”. (August, 2005 – March 2006).
Development Kazakhstan Agenda for the XXI century, 15.07-30.11.2004.
Preparation of the publication "Sustainable Development Indicators for countries in transition " on russian and english, 12.2003- 02.2004.
Project - Realization of training “Problems of integration of sustainable development indicators in system of national planning”, 14-15.09.2003.
Earth Council & Center Eco-Accord Project "Globalization, WTO and NIS: broadening dialogue for sustainable development" (July, 2002 – January, 2003)
TACIS-BISTRO project “Formation an Information System in the Field of Sustainable Development in Kazakhstan” (January-July 2002)
RSS project of the institute of the Open Society "Sustainable Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan: Assessment and Perspectives"
Regional Report of Central Asian States on progress of achievement of Agenda 21 priorities (June - September 2001)
Preparation of the informational materials on evaluation of progress to achieve the priorities of Agenda 21 in the Republic of Kazakhstan (June-July 2001)
Regional Report "Testing of Indicators of SD in the countries of the Aral Sea Basin" (August 2000 - January 2001)
Regional Report: "Central Asia: Environment and Development" (October 1999 - August 2000)
Expert Group Meeting on “Accelerating Implementation through National Voluntary Presentations: Next Steps”. Office for ECOSOC Support and Coordination of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs. New York 28-29 January 2010.
Meeting of the Expert Review Panel for the Resource Efficiency: Economics and Outlook Report for Asia and the Pacific. Bangkok, Thailand, 29-30 January 2010.
Sub-Regional workshop on the Central Asian Initiatives for Sustainable Development. Bangkok (Thailand), 12-17 September 2009.
UNEP, OSCE, UNDP, Ministry of Environmental Protection RK, Ministry of Industry and Trade of RK with The Center of Sustainable Production and Consumption on initiating of process Kazakhstan Programme on sustainable production and consumption. Astana, 2-3 April, 2009.
VI International scientific-practical conference “Humanitarian and natural science factors of ecological problems dissolving and sustainable development”, Novomoskovsk. 25-26 September 2009.
International scientific-practical conference “Resource-ecological problems in XXI century: innovative nature using, power, ecological safety and nanotechnology». Alushta. 28 September – 4 October 2009.
Subregional Meeting on macroeconomy policy and development in Central Asia, organized by UNESCAP with Ministry of the Economic Development and Trade Kyrgyz Republic, Bishkek, 24-25 July 2008.
Introduction of sustainable development energy indicators to strategic and regional planning. The Third training meeting "Strategic and regional planning in context of transition of the Republic Kazakhstan to sustainable development: from theory to practice". UNDP. Almaty, 26-27 November 2008.
Integration of sustainable development principles to the process of decision making. International seminar UNESCAP: "Integration of green growth principle to the process of decision making. Astana, 25-26 September. 2007.
Workshop on Developing Sustainability Strategies in Asia was organized by OECD/UNDESA/UNESCAP (Thailand, Bangkok) 8-9 March 2007.
International scientific-practical conference "Ecological-economic problems of the mastering Caspian shelf. Aktau, NMSK "Kazmortransflot", 11 May 2006.
V International scientifically-practical conference "Ecology and health of the human. Air and water protection. Unilization of wastes. Ukraine. 5-9 June 2006.
International scientific-practical conference "Industrial-innovation development of industry - the base of sustainable development of Kazakhstan economy. Shymkent, SKSU named after Auezova, 26-28 October 2006.
Expert Meeting on realization of Concept of transition of the Republic Kazakhstan to sustainable development to 2007-2024. MEP RK, UNDP, Academy of state management at President RK. Astana, 14 December 2006.
Seminar "Improvement of the economic mechanism of waste management”. Astana, MEP RK, 23-24 March 2006.
Working seminar "Using the program MARKAL-2 for production of the measures on increasing energy efficiency of national economy" within the framework of project Technical help ES to Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan comparatively their global obligations on climate change. Almaty, KAZSRIEK, 13-18 May 2006.
The Regional seminar "Reinforcement of the potential on economic modeling in context RKIK UNO and Kyoto report in Central Asia countries, support by SOFRECO. Almaty, 25-26 July 2006.